My Wishlist

I’m going to drop a wishlist here so you guys can fulfill my wildest dreams after getting your worlds rocked with high-voltage thriller fiction. 😉

[This is under construction – I have to set up manual donations through Paypal or something. Contact me or use a method on the donate page (click here) in the meantime if you wanna help out.]

Help me get Conflux: The Lost Girls on ManyBooks (Permafree Promo) – $39

For some reason ManyBooks charges to get on their free ebooks list. I guess to keep the hordes of amateurs out. But I want in! If you enjoy my writing, you could help get it to a lot more people by getting it published on their site. For ten bucks less, we can get on their daily newsletter which over a 100,000,000 receive, potentially reaching a good fraction of the entire human race. Woah! And for $79, the Editorial Review Promo gets us on their oh-so prestigious monthly newsletter, including a fancy professional review by one of their editors who was apparently too busy to read it till we bribed their asses. :O

Donate anything

You can donate anything from five bucks for coffee to a one-time larger or recurring amount. Any single type of donation is so utterly appreciated, because not only does it financially assist me to continue pumping out books faster than George R. R. Martin can devour a roast pigeon, but it tells me that my readers appreciate me enough to show it by tossing some change my way.


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